Monday, July 14, 2014

In The New Globalized Diet, Wheat, Soy And Palm Oil Rule

These days you can fly to far corners of the world and eat pretty much the same food you can get back home. There's pizza in China and sushi in Ethiopia.
A new scientific study shows that something similar is true of the crops that farmers grow. Increasingly, there's a standard global diet, and the human race is depending more and more on a handful of major crops for much of its food.
At the same time, all over the world, people are eating a bigger variety of foods. But until now, no one had crunched the numbers to see whether global diets were overall getting less — or more — diverse.
"We wanted to know, really, how many crops feed the world, and what's happening with them," says Colin Khoury, a visiting researcher at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture, or CITA , in Cali, Colombia.
Khoury and his collaborators went through 50 years of data collected by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization. And they uncovered two big trends.
The first: "Hey, actually, there's places where diets are diversifying, where they're adding crops," says Khoury.
In parts of Asia, such as China, rice is a declining portion of the average person's diet as they add other foods that are now more available. In the U.S., meanwhile, people are eating more imported foods, like mangoes and coconut water.
But here's the second discovery: Those bigger menus of food also are getting more and more similar to each other, from Nanjing to Nairobi. Everybody is relying more and more heavily on a few dozen global megafoods.
Many of those foods are part of what you'd call a standard Western diet, including wheat, potatoes and dairy. But other megacrops come from the tropics, such as palm oil. "It's grown on a large scale in Malaysia and Indonesia, but it's become a global commodity in diets essentially everywhere," says Khoury.

Smaller crops, meanwhile, are getting pushed aside. Sorghum and millet, for instance, are grown quite widely around the world, but they're losing out to corn and soybeans. Other small crops that you only find in certain areas could disappear altogether.
"In the Andes, aside from the potato, most of the rest of the traditional roots and tubers, crops like oca and maca, are declining in the amount of production and the amount of consumption," says Khoury.
A lot of things are driving this trend, he says. There's a rise in international trade, but also "people moving to cities, having more access to supermarkets, to fast food, having less time to cook, not having gardens."
The trend toward greater dependence on fewer crops continues, Khoury says. And so do the risks. It's dangerous to depend on just a few crops, because any one of them could be hit by some disaster, such as disease.
But governments and international organizations can still help to safeguard diversity in food sources. They can act to preserve the many genetic varieties of megacrops that still exist, and also preserve and encourage cultivation of minor crops, he says.

Rachel Laudan, a historian at the University of Texas and author of Cuisine and Empire: Cooking in World History, says it's important to remember that what drives the rise and fall of crops is demand for them after they've been transformed into something mouth-watering. "They're only interesting if they've been processed in some way," she says.
Think of all the things people do with wheat, she says. "You can get bread. You can get flatbread. You can get cakes. You can get pie. You can get beer!"
That's what turned wheat into a megacrop. Root crops, by contrast, were difficult to store, transport or process into interesting foods.
We could still turn some of these minor crops into attractive foods if there's enough interest in them, she says. In fact, interest may be reviving.
Consumers in the U.S. and Europe are snapping up little-known tropical fruits and so-called ancient grains, like farro and quinoa. Perhaps some of those minor crops can get their own spot on the global menu.

Sweet potatoes: Carotenoid-rich tubers that boost vision and fight disease

Sweet potatoes are the tuberous roots of the sweet potato vine, which thrives in the warmest regions of the world. They are characterized by the vivid colors of their flesh, which range from deep orange to light purple, and tend to be longer and thinner than regular white potatoes (to which they're distantly related). Moreover, sweet potatoes are not the same as yams, despite their close physical resemblances. 

Sweet potatoes are one of the healthiest vegetables grown in the West, through they tend to be overlooked due to their acquired taste. This article contains a list of their health benefits and the studies that prove them. It's worth noting that the potatoes' vine leaves are also edible and dense in nutrients.

Rich in vision-boosting carotenoids

The sweet potato's biggest draw is its impressive concentration of carotenoids, which are colorful pigments that our bodies can convert into the important antioxidant vitamin A. According to Self's "NutritionData," one large sweet potato contains a whopping 34,590 international units of vitamin A, which is 692 percent of our recommended daily allowance. 

Though vitamin A performs many functions in the body, including supporting the immune system and aiding gene transcription, its most notable role is maintaining eye health. One study published in Nutrition in January 2013, for example, found that vitamin A supplements could ameliorate obesity-related retinal degeneration in rats.  A research paper featured in Science Daily in 2011 also noted that vitamin A can prevent age-related macular degeneration, which is the leading cause of vision loss among Americans aged 50 or older.

Packed with additional antioxidants

According to a spectral analysis published in Food Chemistry in 2014, sweet potatoes gain most of their antioxidant properties from their significant polyphenol content. Polyphenols are essential phytochemicals which, according to a report featured in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, aid in the "prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancers, and osteoporosis and suggests a role in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases and diabetes mellitus." Since sweet potatoes are one of the richest sources of polyphenols in the American diet, eating more of them can help shield us from these serious diseases.

Excellent source of vitamin C

Like white potatoes, sweet potatoes contains large amounts of vitamin C -- around 60 percent of our recommended daily allowance per large potato, to be exact. Most people know that vitamin C aids collagen production and exhibits anti-aging benefits, but it also prevents cholesterol from oxidizing (which can protect us from heart disease) and helps stabilize blood cholesterol levels. This makes sweet potatoes a great choice for those of us suffering from cardiovascular conditions.

Low glycemic load

Unlike white potatoes, which are notorious for spiking blood sugar levels unless consumed with fats such as oils or butter, sweet potatoes contain a low glycemic load and are safe for diabetics and prediabetics to consume. They're also bursting with fiber, which helps us absorb sugar.

Sweet potatoes also contain high concentrations of magnesium, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, protein and most B vitamins. Many of these nutrients are found in the skin, however, so make sure that you purchase organic sweet potatoes whose skins are safe to eat.

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