Sunday, June 21, 2015

Government to crack whip on traders

The demand for mangoes in the city markets is steadily rising. But one should be cautious while buying this fruit because traders often ripen it using calcium carbide, which is not good for health.

Taking notice of the skyrocketing demand for mangoes in city markets, the health department has decided to test the fruit on the spot to ensure that it is not ripened in calcium carbide.

On Friday, the health department issued directions to health authorities in Jaipur and other cities to check the quality of the fruit.

As the health department doesn't have facilities for testing fruits in its laboratories, its officials have decided to go to the markets, collect samples of mangoes and other fruits. "We have asked the fruit sellers to ripen their fruits in fruit-ripening chambers which are safe for health. They should not use calcium carbide," health department director (health) Dr BR Meena said.

Dr Meena said that calcium carbide is injurious to health. Under the Food Safety and Standard Act 2006, the use of calcium carbide in ripening of fruits is banned.

Officials claimed that they are spreading awareness about hazards of using calcium carbide among fruit vendors. Soon, the officials will be seen in the markets testing the fruits on the spot. They will be given equipment to test the quality of fruits. The department will also make fruit traders aware that flouting the norms of the Act would lead to action, including a fine of Rs1 lakh to Rs 10 lakh along with imprisonment. 


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