Friday, April 11, 2014

Diet and nutrition tips for Parkinson's patients

A person suffering from Parkinson’s disease almost always needs a caregiver and due to the very nature of this disease, eating becomes a task apart from performing other bodily functions. This is because in Parkinson’s disease, the nerves function abnormally due to lack of a brain chemical called dopamine. 
This causes loss in controlling body movements. The caregiver needs to make sure that the food given to the ill person is nutritious yet easy for them to eat and digest. Well-known nutritionist Naini Setalvad gives some pointers as to what diet patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease should follow. 
‘Such people need to be given a soft and moist diet but there should be a lot of fibre or else constipation sets in. The soft texture makes it easy for them to sallow and they often have chewing difficulties. Keep the portions small but frequent for better digestion,’ says Naini. Following are foods they can eat. 
Fruits such as mango, banana, chickoo can be mashed or made into smoothies.
Coconut water can also be given. 
Vegetables can be given in the form of soups, veg juices and soft vegetables like bottle gourd (doodhi) pumpkin, spinach, etc can be made into a purée.
In grains, khichdi with vegetables, upma with veg, idlis, dhoklas, dalias, oats with vegetables are a few options. Mashing them to make them very soft and gulp will be easier for the patients to eat them. 
Thin dals is one option. Well-cooked, moist beans is another. 
Dairy products such as curd (vegetables  can be puréed in as raita), buttermilk,  milk, and paneer in the form of bhurji can be given.
Nuts can be powdered, added to dips like pesto, and also be given as nut milk such as almond milk, coconut milk, etc. 
Include a good amount of liquids to maintain hydration. 
Limit non-veg food to – scrambled eggs, poached eggs, chicken broth. 
Avoid fried foods, anything spicy, high caloric foods and also limit sugar.

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