Sunday, April 6, 2014

Good nutrition can be a matter of taste

With 10,000 taste buds governing our palate, it's no wonder that taste dictates most of our food choices.

That's the word from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). While sight and smell also play a part in our selection process, the sense of taste trumps them both. And just as we know what we like, we also can have too much of a good thing.

When the foods we consume each day begin to lose their luster, boredom often sets in. And that's when we tend to go for those that are less healthy for us.

 Constance Brown-Riggs, registered dietitian and spokeswoman for the Academy, notes that once we find nutritious foods we like, it's easy to fall into a rut of eating those same foods over and over. 

Jumping out of that rut is as easy as exploring the myriad of new foods and flavors just waiting to be discovered. Expanding the menu helps us stay on an eating program that is nutritious as well as tasty.
From shopping to dining out, satisfying our taste buds is as easy as being a little adventurous. Smart changes can be taken in baby steps — trying just one new fruit, vegetable or whole grain every week.

"You can start small by picking a different type of apple, a different color potato or a new flavor of whole-grain rice until you are comfortable picking entirely new things that you've never tried or heard of before," Brown-Riggs says.

In addition, the Academy suggests building a healthier diet by substituting nutrient-rich foods and beverages for those that may not be good for you. Limiting foods high in added sugars or solid fats is as easy as drinking fewer fruit drinks and sodas and cutting back on cookies, cakes and ice cream as well as fatty meats such as hot dogs, sausages and bacon. That's not to say you can never indulge in these foods, but they should be eaten only occasionally in small amounts.

Another part of the campaign looks at ways to bring the family together more often for meals that are tasty, nutritious and enjoyable. Even if it's only several times a week, family dining offers a lot of perks in addition to what's on the plate.

Academy spokeswoman Angela Ginn, a registered dietitian, says research shows family meals include more fruits, vegetables and fiber, and often fewer calories. In addition to nutritious eating aspects, family meals do much more than putting food on the table.

"Beyond preparing the meal itself, we sometimes forget that mealtimes offer time to talk, listen and build family relationships. And it's a chance for parents to be good role models for healthful eating," she says.

The Academy urges families to bump up those family meals and to try new foods and dishes that involve each family member, from choosing a dish to helping set the table and prepare the food. If school nights are unmanageable, Ginn suggests the family "dinner" might instead be a leisurely weekend breakfast or lunch.

 To expand the rainbow of unique fruits, vegetables and dishes from around the world, the Academy offers exciting recipes ranging from Peach Chutney with Chinese Five Spice (typically made of star anise, cinnamon, cloves, Sichuan peppercorns and fennel seeds) to West African jollof — a spicy one-pot dish made of rice, tomatoes, red pepper and spices — served up with fried plantains on the side. In addition, a dried fruit soup that's as at home served over your breakfast oatmeal as it is for dinner can tempt the taste buds.

These dishes feature the vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meats, beans, nuts and seeds — as well as low-fat dairy — recommended for a nutritious diet, all presented in a new, exciting way.

Brown-Riggs says it's also an opportunity to get to know your spice cabinet. "A pinch of this and a dash of that can add a fresh zest to an old favorite," she says.

 "There's truly a world of flavors to explore." For those not quite as adventurous in the kitchen, Brown-Riggs suggests taking advantage of ethnic restaurants that offer dishes from Asia, Europe and Africa. From exotic spices to fresh, seasonal ingredients, the exotic fare add an exciting twist of flavor to healthy eating.

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